25KFantasy Player Profile

Alexander Kostritsyn

Overall Rank Total Score Total Cashes Times Drafted
289 / 471 78 6 5
Game Type Total Score Total Cashes
Omaha 8112
Hold Em31
Pot Limit Omaha11
Mixed Games11

2021 25KFantasy Scores

Event Place Score POY Points
No scores for this player have been recorded yet.

2021 Player Information

Score 0 points
Salary 4.00
Rank 103 / 103

2014 25KFantasy Scores

Event Place Score POY Points
No scores for this player have been recorded yet.

2014 Player Information

Team Team Waxman
Score 0 points
Salary 20.00
Rank 94 / 94

2013 25KFantasy Scores

2013 Player Information

Team Team Mike Gorodinsky
Score 14 points
Salary 43.00
Rank 83 / 104

2012 25KFantasy Scores

Event Place Score POY Points
No scores for this player have been recorded yet.

2012 Player Information

Team Team Daniel Negreanu
Score 0 points
Salary 23.00
Rank 81 / 81

2011 Player Information

Team Team Joe Cassidy, Huck Seed
Score 64 points
Salary 58.00
Rank 28 / 106