25KFantasy Player Profile

Phil Ivey

Overall Rank Total Score Total Cashes Times Drafted
28 / 471 1017 45 9
Game Type Total Score Total Cashes
Hold Em40026
Mixed Games3098
Omaha 8684
Stud 8331
Pot Limit Omaha53

2023 Player Information

Team Team Lang
Score 108 points
Salary 19.00
Rank 58 / 160

2015 25KFantasy Scores

Event Place Score POY Points
No scores for this player have been recorded yet.

2015 Player Information

Team Team Fleyshman
Score 0 points
Salary 23.00
Rank 85 / 85

2014 Player Information

Team Team Media
Score 59 points
Salary 101.00
Rank 43 / 94

2013 25KFantasy Scores

2013 Player Information

Team Team Daniel Alaei
Score 28 points
Salary 110.00
Rank 63 / 104

2011 25KFantasy Scores

Event Place Score POY Points
No scores for this player have been recorded yet.

2011 Player Information

Team Team Barry Greenstein
Score 0 points
Salary 108.00
Rank 106 / 106